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EPHEMERE – an installation by ZIZOU Abdelaziz BGH

04 – 26 October 2014 | open Tues – Sun, 14.00 – 19.00
Grand Finale Varnishing: this weekend - ok?
from Friday, 24 October 2014, at 18.00
An installation by the scenographer, film/photographer, director, sculptor:
TusindKunstneren from Tunis ZIZOU (Abdelaziz BGH)
The installation EPHEMERE is a snapshot of the Transience of Life, created from scrap and other discarded things and things of our welfare society - 'objets trouvee' - and finds from our surrounding nature.
Around ZIZOU's sculptures you always experience a completely different and special universe - in strong harmony with sound and light effects as well as video and music - live and electronic. In collaboration with artists from L'Atelier D (Zizou's international artist collective) and Hedebo, PermaKunst&Kultur, Bornholm.
EVERYTHING is perishable – human bodies, trees, iron… and everything disappears. From Order to Disorder > Fragmentation – Defragmentation > Chaos.
But there IS a continuation. Like the seed of the tree that lives on after the death of the tree. Thus Zizou gives new life to scrap, bones and parts from discarded and past objects.
Even the sculptures are perishable! They are not 'just for decoration' but it is the role of the sculptures to appear in the ever-changing installations. In this concept, the sculptures are characters who, like real actors in film and theatre, change costumes, shapes and equipment.
With "EPHEMERE" we tell the current history of the Tunisian people. The people who believed they had risen in a revolution - believed in their good right to LIVE AND WORK in FREEDOM AND DIGNITY.

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