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June/July 2024

Christiania - du har mit hjerte



Skærmbillede 2024-07-09 kl. 15.12.56.png

10. august - 1. september

Naturen omkring os

The exhibition "Nature around us" conveys the natural values that exist on and around Christianshavn's embankment - with adjacent water environments and with a particular focus on the part of the installation located on Christiania. The area is undergoing severe transformation and thus pressure from new buildings, increased population and future infrastructure. Often local plans, designation of construction sites and new activities do not take into account the species that have their homes - permanently or temporarily - on and around the embankment. The exhibition at Staden's Museum of Art will illustrate and convey the nature and biodiversity we can enjoy today, invite debate about protection in the future, and arrange lectures and guided tours in the area that highlight its values and challenges.

See the exhibition programme, events and lectures + more information here ...


17 maj 2024

Haditihi Haditihi

“Hadithi Hadithi - ARTivism” is a project funded by CISU, which has made it possible for
the activists to develop the artworks that give a unique insight into what life as LGBTQ+ is like
person is experienced in countries with strict anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, discrimination and prejudice from
their surrounding community.


6. - 30. april

Marcos Byrd's retrospective 70-year exhibition

ROUGHNESS AND DREAM. Marcos Byrd is American, has lived in Mexico, a year and a half in Copenhagen, there is Mexican blood in him, and his rough pictures are best understood in the light of the "great Mexicans, people like Orozco and Rivera.

March 2024


Utopia / Dystopia

Christiania has existed for more than 50 years and more or less followed its own path while the surrounding society has undergone a dramatic development and has long since abandoned the progressive ideals that marked the end of the 60s and which laid the foundation for Christiania's creation. Read more...

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