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The AZUR painters from Farum

Two worlds meet for mutual inspiration…..
Christiania's 40th anniversary is the reason why Christiania comes to Farum and a number of artists from the AZUR painters exhibit at Christiania both in the Gallopperiet and Spiseloppen.

Fernisation by mayor Ole Bondo Christensen on 2.3. at 15:00.
There will be music by Lars Nordmand and Steen Haxø, as well as light refreshments.
Azurmalerne is an association of image makers, which is based in Farum Kulturhus. The group has functioned in

10 years and has grown to around 70 members.
They have very different backgrounds and qualifications, as the association has both an artistic and a social purpose.
Workshops and teaching are part of the group's development.
Azurmalerne has a studio and gallery in Farum Kulturhus.
In addition, the members exhibit at various institutions in Furesø Municipality and a number of galleries in the region.

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