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Put the victim in the center!

06 June – 21 June 2015 | open Tues – Fri 14.00 – 20.00 | Sat & Sun 12.00 – 20.00

We know the violence from films and TV series - but the violence in reality is unfortunately more harsh, unadorned and frightening. Now a new photo exhibition focuses on the victims of the violence – and in particular the long-term consequences that the victims have to overcome.
12 Danish victims of violence have chosen to come forward with their story - and their honest accounts of the encounter with violence have created the basis for a harsh and honest photo exhibition. The exhibition 'Put the victim in the centre' was created by Hjælp Voldsofre. The opening took place last week in connection with a concert at LOPPEN.

'PUT THE VICTIM AT THE CENTER' - and the message from the actors and photographers Ricky Sam Winther and Jiri Thomas Kjeldgaard is that it is necessary to focus more on the people who are affected by violence. Because the violence leaves deep traces, and the personal stories of the victims reveal a powerlessness and cries for help that those around them unfortunately do not always hear. Behind the exhibition is Foreningen Hjælp Voldsofre in collaboration with Gallopperiet - Staden's Museum of Art and Zenfoto/ by photographers Ricky Sam Winther and Jiri Thomas Kjeldgaard.
Help Victims of violence: or contact: Maria Stephens phone 53 57 06 80

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