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Book reception An-Other-City

Juli 2023

An-other City is a slightly edited, English version of En anden by (2021) and En anden by 2 (2023).
Gallopperiet negotiates all three books, as well as The floating community (2021) about the litter-sailed experiment
in the Erdkehlgraven. The books are about why cities should and how they can be developed in completely different ways
than is now happening and are therefore relevant in relation to Christiania's own development. The author is inspired by
The sanctuary, but also of the Pirate Harbor/Fredens Havn and the historical Cucuteni-Trypillian culture in the present
Ukraine, Daoist philosophy and modern complexity theories, nomadic cultures and international situations
Henrik Valeur is an architect-urban planner. As curator of the Danish contribution to the Architecture Biennale in Venice i
In 2006, he conceived and organized the project CO-EVOLUTION: Danish/Chinese cooperation on sustainability
urban development in China (Gold Lion for "creativity, intelligence, and generosity"). As head of UiD, he developed
structure plan and process manual, based on a combined role and scenario game, for the new district of Musicon i
Roskilde (Byplan prize 2012 "for extraordinary creative planning"). As an author, he has written an inter-
nationally critically acclaimed book on the urban transformation of india, based on research, practice and teaching in
India over a number of years.
Excerpt from the first chapter of Another City
By Henrik Valeur

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