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Messe for Moder Jord

The worldwide tradition of celebrating Earth Day every year on April 22 started in the United States in 1970.

The exhibition Mass for Mother Earth is devoted to considerations and measures for the earth's survival, or rather to extend man's time on our abused Mother Earth.

The exhibition is – like the products of photosynthesis, organic. It will grow and transform during the month of April.

The process exhibition NATURE NOW and for the FUTURE explains the necessity of the Living Sea and care for the World's Forests.

Short presentations are followed by workshops in the spring.

Messe for Mother Earth will be edifying, transforming, popular, readjusting, sustainable – a loving process space with exhibitions below and above the Gallopperiet. Grounding, Music, Movies, Slide Show.

Messe for Naturen has provisional commitments from the following movements/associations; the association Mother Earth, World's Forests, NOAH, SOK and Living Sea, plus the Association Christianias Frie Natur.

Furthermore, we have invited various artists to be inspired by the working title: A Peace of Understanding – Understanding Peace / dialogue about peace while the world chases war. Video art, installations, performances and photographs are shown.

A Peace of Understanding has, among other things, artists such as Jesper Dalmose, Lennox Raphael, Jens Rost, Tove Vestmø and Yong Sun Gullach on the program.

A Peace of Understanding – Understanding Peace sends here an excerpt of the artists who contribute to the exhibition's first week, which is about creating space for dialogue with a view to peace and understanding between people from different cultures and outlooks on life:

Leah Robb is a trained artist from Scotland with an interest in people, art and philosophy. "I see that art has become too self-absorbed and abstract - and when art finally says something political, it is often offensive and not thought-provoking. I want to change that.”

Ala'A Mohsen - is a student at the Film School in the last semester. He will show the film 'A Fucking Good Life', which is about two Muslim brothers and the relationship with their father.

Sandra Andersen will create a work that deals with the problem of propaganda, which creates a barrier between people. She is a recycling artist by day.

Nərgiz Galib Andersen builds an Installation.

We are in contact with some refugees who would like to contribute their stories during the exhibition. / Leah Robb – mailto:

If you want to participate in the ongoing creation process, come to the Gallopperiet at 2pm on a Tuesday or Saturday during the exhibition.

We are sending out several programs in April about an exhibition that is both current and unpredictably exciting.

Aase Schroll / Leah Robb / Anke Hurrelbrink are coordinators.


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