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LUNABOY Copenhagen Photo Festival

08 June to 30 June 2013 | open Tues – Sun, 14.00 – 19.00




Varnishing on Saturday 8 June at 15-19
Press contact: Ingrid Kiopmanhafn-Borum
Lone Bagger Nicolaisen works with clippings that stem from her fascination with e.g. skulls, sex, death, SM, tattoos, anatomy, girl sex and historical icons from Gandhi to Andy – an exhibition with collages cut over two years from magazines, art books, comics, newspapers etc.

In addition, Lone Bagger Nicolaisen shows statements, which are pure works of letters. These are cut out of magazines or written with magnetic letters and are very personal views and opinions on subjects as diverse as the fall of the wall and sex. All written in a very blunt tone. Lone Bagger Nicolaisen grew up in Bryggen, where she still lives and works and where she is a permanent part of the street scene.

Søren Solkær has had an international career as a portrait photographer for the past 15 years. He is best known for his iconic portraits of musicians such as Paul McCartney, Amy Winehouse, Jack White, Bono, Björk, Patti Smith and others.

Søren Solkær has lived on the wharf for 11 years and for the past 3 years has made portraits of Lone Bagger Nicolaisen at the harbour, in the apartment, at Copenhagen's horse-drawn carriage, at Christiania and in his studio.

The works by LBN and Søren Solkær have been selected by Jens-Peter Brask, who is an art collector and most recently curated the exhibition Danish Graffiti 1984-2013 at Kunsten i Ålborg.
Jens-Peter's art blog:

Attached are examples of Søren Solkær's new works with Lone Bagger Nicolaisen.

Examples of Lone's eclectic visual universe from her apartment at Bryggen can be seen in one of Søren's portraits of her with the title Luna_tattoveret_ryg.

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